suka menguasai bahasa Inggris
- suka: favor; favour; like; like to; taken a fancy to;
- menguasai: bring under; bringing under; brought under;
- menguasai: bring under; bringing under; brought under; control; domineered; domineering; gain control of; gained control of; getting a hold over; getting under; getting under control; got a grip of; got a hold
- menguasai -: have in pocket
- suka: favor; favour; like; like to; taken a fancy to; took a fancy to; enjoy; pleasure; gregarious; delight; fond; taste; fond of; wish to; likes; penchant; take to; approval; disposed; happy; glad; predi
- dapat menguasai: getting of best of
- dengan menguasai: overbearingly
- menguasai diri: took a grip on
- menguasai dirinya: taken a grip on
- menguasai keadaan: regain grip
- menguasai kembali: recover
- menguasai keseluruhan: have at finger-ends
- menguasai segalanya: boss the show; bossed the show; bossing the show
- menguasai sepenuhnya: held all the cards; holding all the cards
- mulai menguasai: gaining control of; getting a grip of; getting the whip hand of
- "then her sister, Tess, is cast as the overbearing, overindulged bride-to-be
"maka adiknya, Tess, adalah calon pengantin yang suka menguasai